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The YES Project!

The YES Project - helping Young adults to see there is a CHOICE!

Dr. Eger has made it part of her life work to be there to support young adults as they transform into their future self. As a teenage holocaust survivor, who nearly escaped death time after time, she deeply connects with the young spirit who is trying to find themselves in a complex world.

Her third book, The Ballerina of Auschwitz, focuses on this teenage phase of her life, in order to share the tools and techniques she employed before, during and after surviving the death camps. Indeed Dr. Eger has always said to patients, "When Did Your Childhood End?" And so it is no surprise that Dr. Eger, whose childhood was stolen from her at the age of 16 by the Nazis, feels a deep sense of commitment to supporting young adults.

As her 3rd book begins circulating, The Edith Eger Foundation, aims to support her work with a powerful digital program: The Youth Exploring Story Project (YES Project).

See info about why the YES Project is so important Right Now! 

Today our youth are faced with the prospects of an uncertain future- impacted by the past global pandemic, economic uncertainty, fear of global war, political polarization, and climate change.
These challenges present clear lessons and opportunities for all of us. For young people becoming adults, their choices today can shape their character for a lifetime.
Based on the wisdom of Dr. Edith Eger, psychologist and holocaust survivor, the Edith Eger Foundation aims to provide high school students with practical tools for integrating their challenges and traumas to find self-love, resilience, and empowerment.

This program needs your support! As Dr. Eger's, The Ballerina of Auschwitz begins making its way into the school system and into the hands of young adults around the globe, we aim to offer a program to support her efforts of giving young adults the CHOICE to see that they can create for themselves the life they want. If we are not committed to helping the youth... who are we committed to?

This is the beginning of that journey and we hope to have you support this mission!

See below a few slides from our proposed video workshop series and potential guests to help connect young adults to the material:

We need your help to make this project a reality!  If you are interested in supporting the Edith Eger Foundation with this mission, please connect with us at:

Thank you!!

Jordan Engle and Dr. Edith Eger

Edith Eger Foundation
The Edith Eger Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. EIN 87-1990583